Sitemap - 2022 - Carl Beijer

2022: The year in posting

Check out my appearance on The Bruenigs about l'affaire McElwee

Three notes on Sean McElwee's campaign finance scandal

Ranking the arguments for free speech

Now on an alternative social media microblogging site

Was Sean McElwee one of Sam Bankman-Fried's straw donor co-conspirators?

Democrats plan to spoil Sinema's reelection, hand seat to the GOP

Musk, Omidyar, and the left critique of pseudo-leaks

Malthusian depopulationists - or afraid of climate change?

Neopopulists are rewriting history on the Young Patriots

Who does the world blame for the war in Ukraine?

Ten Marxist ideas that most people agree with

If Russia attacked Poland, the US must de-escalate immediately

Thiel's online influencer investments did nothing to help Masters

Democrats won the working class, Republicans won the less-educated

If Twitter goes down

Musk, Twitter, and the power of ownership

The UN's climate capitalism is going to get us all killed

Socialism's base is the poor, and capitalism's base is the rich

Comments are now open

The Bernie bump is over

On sleep

15 minutes of insanity at the LaRouche / "MAGA communist" meetup

Free speech is not a priority for most Americans

Russian government promotes fake "Tucker kill list" story hatched by LaRouchites

Don't call them tankies

Russian refugees and the new Iron Curtain

Left-right populism and the problem of international aid

Neuroscience is vindicating the Marxist determinists

The Oedipus complex of John Ganz

Brief response to John Ganz on Ukraine

Clarifying the debate on degrowth

Chomsky's puzzling PR strategy

2013: The European and Russian bourgeoisie try to monopolize Ukraine

Poison pill radicalism

The problem with political pills

Bruenig and deBoer: both wrong about GOAT basketball debates

You can't do democracy in the middle of a war

Partisan division is not what is impeding socialism

How Marxism solves today's greatest mystery in the WWE

RIP Dark Brandon, 2022-2022

Andrew Yang's hilarious proof that leftists are extremists

Wokeness isn't why Democrats are unpopular

The bizarre controversy over "birth giver"

Voting for Democrats is soft anti-abortion politics

The extremism of popularist politics

Four terrible rationales for Russia's war

Jordan Peterson is mad at the mods

Will Biden defend his own office from this court?

There can be no right to an abortion without a right to healthcare

A brief history of comparing wokeness to a religion

Matt Duss fails to make the case for intervention

What Lenin teaches anti-imperialists about Ukraine

How is the Buffalo shooter connected to fascism in Ukraine?

Ukraine's 2022 civilian death toll has eclipsed the pre-invasion toll in Donbass

Judge throws out Trump Twitter lawsuit - and a key libertarian talking point

Freddie and The Niche

Political heterodoxy is rare, but the brand is extremely popular

How to compare Ukraine to other wars without sounding like a monster

LibsofTikTok and the corporate decoy strategy

Who's on the payroll of Peter Thiel's dark-money "influencer" campaign?

Ukraine and the fog of war

Jill Filipovic's nonsensical attacks on feminist policy

Survey: the problem with fascism

The useful idiocy of Vladimir Putin

High gas prices are leverage for climate transition

The curious case of Zelenskyy's two Ys

RIP Scott "Razor Ramon" Hall

Help fund food for zoo animals in Ukraine

One neat trick for arguing against war

Ukraine is not a woke vs. anti-woke war

A brief note on "tankies"

Neoliberal ideology and conceptions of the state

Fight do-somethingism

The bizarro shock doctrine of Covid Libertarians

The script for our completely fake debate over free speech

Even if Russia were to invade Ukraine, the US should not go to war

Political copes 1: "Groupthink"

Republicans stoke war with Russia to derail peace with Iran

Ukraine and the NATO bluff

How the media hypes right-wing activist schemes into "movements"

Two lessons from the Freedom Convoy protest

The language of the new red scare

A reality check on Covid and government tyranny

Truckers sit out Canada's "Freedom Convoy" anti-vax protest

Ukraine and the expat experts

Neoliberalism and anti-state ideology on the US left

Corbyn is making libertarian arguments about Covid

Supreme Court mandate rulings vindicate the socialist analysis once again

Is Steve Bannon a socialist?

The Time Cube test

You can't count on the right to fight Silicon Valley