Sitemap - 2017 - Carl Beijer

Centrists are going to learn the wrong lessons from Doug Jones’ win

Trump and the failure of incrementalism

Most liberals support violent sex offenders

What does Northam’s win teach us about the Democratic coalition?

Martin Luther, on rebels and revolution

Who is the modern bourgeoisie? Pt. II: Imperialism

Who is the modern bourgeoisie? Pt. I: Financialization

Ben Shapiro has changed his mind about antifa

Fascism’s pincer

Advocates for climate action should stop defending the rich

Bankers and Big Pharma lawyers: We are the left!

Some pretty egregious misrepresentation from Noah Berlatsky

Democrats may be losing, but centrists aren’t

Marxist and psychological explanations for fascism are not in competition

Liberalism and the politics of passive-aggression

Two points about that Jacobin climate change piece

What replaces discourse

Why is CAP pushing a center-right healthcare bill when it knows it’s going to lose?

Trump is not going to abandon NATO

Capitalism protects bigots

The powerful aren’t going to learn any lessons from Corbyn

What do liberals mean by "Russian" propaganda?

You can’t fix climate change without big government

Hillary Clinton is okay. Are you?

The left is probably going to lose on climate change

Fascism is a movement of the middle class

The Trump administration is the oldest in modern history

Shouldn’t capitalists be okay with the United incident?

Waiting for the bodybags

The discourse just doesn’t work

In the end, liberalism must lose

The Center for American Progress’s "Moscow Project" is another escalation of liberal Russophobia

There will be no liberal counter-revolution

On left discipline

Demurrage and inequality: modern anthropology affirms another critique of capitalism

If the rich don’t fund health care, young people will

Yes, capitalism is literal violence

Left activism and the culture of seriousness

Employment threats against Rania Khalek are violence. If you’re okay with this, admit it (UPDATED)

Prison Planet guy accidentally endorses socialism’s approach to crime

Fascism can’t survive majority opposition

Anti-communism at the heart of the alt-center

No, centrists did not have credible suspicions about Flynn

Yet another look at the preferences of the 2016 black electorate

Some charts on generation warfare

Nazi punching probably doesn’t matter either way

Clinton and the PUMAs still debt-collecting from Obama

Millennials and people of color are the opposition

Trump is pitting Americans against the submerged state

Why not just obstruct everything Trump wants to do?

Liberals are talking about Gandhi again

How UBI would help fight climate change

Echoes of Jonah Goldberg’s "Liberal Fascism" from the Center for American Progress

Liberals are already working to co-opt socialism for the Democratic Party